ECONYL® - Recycled yarn
Sustainable activities are often defined in terms of minimising their environmental impact. The Cradle to Cradle® philosophy recognises that we all create an impact on the world we live in. The challenge is to make this impact beneficial for current and future generations.
Co-operation and commitment
From the onset, we recognised that in order to achieve our Cradle to Cradle® goal, co-operation and commitment is needed from key partners. Currently, over 50%1 of our carpet tile range is available with ECONYL® yarn.
ECONYL® is a yarn which is made from 100% regenerated nylon including discarded fishing nets and post-consumer yarn waste from our carpet recycling centre. This development has been accomplished in close collaboration with yarn supplier Aquafil.
For more information: www.econyl.com
Part of the Cradle to Cradle philosophy
The Cradle to Cradle® philosophy recognizes that we all create an impact on the world we live in. The challenge is to make this impact beneficial for current and future generations. We are not in the business of recycling for the sake of it. For Tarkett, the use of positively defined2 material which is safe for human use is at the heart of everything we do.
1) 50% relates to the 2012 sales volume of products available with ECONYL® yarn in the commercial carpet tile collection. The total % of recycled content varies per product and per colour. Whether a colour contains ECONYL® yarn and the exact % thereof can be found on desso-businesscarpets.com
2) Positively defined = all ingredients have been assessed as either Green (optimal) or Yellow (tolerable) according to the Cradle to Cradle® assessment criteria. As described in the Cradle to Cradle® Certification Program Version 2.1.1, prepared by MBDC September 2008, updated January 2011.