HQE green building certification
What is HQE?
HQE stands for Haute Qualité Environnementale, a French green building certification system regarded as among the most stringent and comprehensive green building certification schemes. It is widely used in France and French-speaking countries. HQE applies to commercial and residential buildings (NF HABITAT HQE) and is awarded by HQE accredited third-party organisations.
French-based certification
Created in 1996 by the French Ministry of Environment, the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), in response to growing concern about the environmental impact of buildings.
Worldwide coverage
HQE has been used in more than 20 countries, including in Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa. Over 380 000 projects worldwide and more than 59 millions square meters are certified to date.
Country-specific versions
HQE has been adapted in some countries. HQE becomes VERDE in Spain, ADAM (Approche de Developpement Aménagement Maroc) in Morocco, HQE Canada in Canada and IFC (Integrative Fast Control) in China.
Evaluation criteria
HQE looks at several aspects when certifying a building as green, including:
- Well-being : focusing on indoor air quality, thermal/acoustic/visual comfort, sustainable transportation and services available in the building and in its surroundings
- Environment : focus on energy and water consumption, waste management, low-carbon design and biodiversity
- Economy : encourage life cycle costing and the development of local stakeholders
- Project management : focus on the building’s adaptability, responsible jobsite practices, commissioning and green lease for the occupiers
Certification levels go from HQE Performant to HQE Exceptionnel.

How to achieve HQE
Here are some steps that can help you achieve HQE:
Define your environmental objectives, these should be specific, measurable, and achievable.
Involve the entire project team including architects, engineers, contractors, and building owners.
Choose sustainable materials, these may include recycled or renewable materials, low VOC (volatile organic compounds) products, and materials that are locally sourced.
Use energy-efficient design strategies and technologies to reduce energy consumption.
Use water-efficient fixtures and appliances to reduce water consumption.
Implement a waste management plan that includes recycling, composting, and minimizing waste generation.
Continuously monitor and optimize the building's environmental performance, including energy and water consumption, indoor air quality, and waste management.
By following these steps and taking a comprehensive approach to sustainability, you can achieve HQE certification for your building and help reduce its environmental impact over its entire life cycle.
HQE certified projects
- Client name > Lycée Nort-sur-Erdre
- Location > Nort-sur-Erdre, France
- Tarkett product > Linoleum
- Surface area > 5,400 m2
- Certification achieved > NF HQE
- Building type > ublic building
- Project team > AIA Life Designers (architects),TCE + Economie AIA Ingénerie (engineers), AIA Environnement (environmental expertise), SERDB (acoustic engineering)