DESSO SoundMaster
Acoustic backing
Best acoustic performance. For a quieter workplace.
Less noise means more productive workforces. Quieter environments prevent health problems occurring1, reduce stress levels and improve concentration. This is especially important in open plan offices where people need a space both for quiet concentration and open communication and where they need a place for private conversations as well as large-scale meetings.
The layered design of the carpet tile, and especially the SoundMaster backing, optimizes the sound absorption and sound insulation. This felt backing is made from 100% polyester (containing 80% recycled content) and is specifically chosen for its advanced sound insulation and absorption properties.
Additionally, it offers an even more comfortable underfoot feel than standard carpet.
Excellent impact sound insulation value
DESSO SoundMaster offers an excellent impact sound insulation value (ΔLw) +8 dB above the standard value*. Carpet in general reduces the impact of sound by between 20 and 30 decibel**.
Great sound absorption
DESSO SoundMaster achieves an improvement in sound absorption performance up to +0.15 (αw)*, equivalent to up to +100% improvement in comparison to standard carpet designs (αw value between 0.15 and 0.20)***.
80% recycled content
DESSO SoundMaster is a felt backing that is made from 100% polyester, containing 80% recycled content (using PET bottles).

Why choose an acoustic backing?
In Tarkett’s own research among more than 12,000 office employees across Europe, noise continues to be highlighted as one of the most pressing concerns in the office.
Additional noise from external factors such as traffic, heating and air conditioning and computer equipment make it hard for managers to achieve the optimum level of noise within buildings2.
That is why good sound absorption and sound insulation is so important. And the best and most cost effective option comes with one of our expertly designed SoundMaster carpet tile backings as opposed to the other often more expensive options such as ceilings, walls and panels.
Making concious choices. For people and planet.
Tarkett Human-Conscious DesignTM
Other DESSO SoundMaster Backings
DESSO SoundMaster Thrive
This is the first SoundMaster backing that is 100% recyclable and when used alongside a carpet tile collection that is Cradle to Cradle® certified, the certification level of the overall product is maintained.
DESSO SoundMaster Lite
This SoundMaster backing offers great acoustic performance and is made from 100% polyester (containing 80% recycled content).
* Tests performed at SWA (Schall- und Wämemessstelle Aachen GmbH) – Institut fuer schalltechnische und wärmetechnische Prüfungen-Beratung-Planung
** To compare: other flooring solutions (non-carpet) generally give a value between 5 and 10 dB.
*** To compare: other flooring solutions (non-carpet) generally give a value between 0.05 and 0.10.
1) Environmental Noise and Health in the UK, Health Protection Agency, p.57-58, Noise in figures, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, p.70-73
2) According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work the recommended noise level is 30-45 dB(A) while even in ‘quiet’ offices the average noise level is often between 40-45 dB